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Royal Rangers

We offer a Royal Rangers program on Sunday afternoons from 1-2:30pm, following a potluck. 

Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small group church ministry for grades K-12. The mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike adults and lifelong servant leaders. Providing Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for children in a highly relational and fun environment. Our program welcomes both boys and girls. 

Our current group of kids are Discovery Rangers, based on the grade levels of the kids currently in the program. We work on skills like tool craft, first aid and fire craft alongside learning the bible. 

There is an initial cost of $40 to join that covers the cost of the vest, badges, handbook and supplies. 

Come join us for a Sunday to see if the program is what you’re looking for. We’d love to have you!